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Country Music
Wednesday, June 29, 2005
Get Down and Dirty . . .

. . . sounds like somewhere one should be on Friday night.
If that's not your bottle of Jack Daniels then there's always Rob Luckey and the Lucky Bastards over at the Balmain Bowling Club from about 8pm. And if too much of the Bastards isn't enough, they're on at the double open house birthday party at the Marrickville Bowling Cub on Saturday night (see map below the blurb):
Lois and Acey's Open House Double Birthday Party.
Marrickville Bowling Club, Saturday July 2 - 8pm
Rob Luckey & the Lucky Bastards
Johnny G & the E-Types
+ Dom Turner + Glenys Rae + Special guests
$5 Door.

Sale Time at Yesterday & Today Records
If you've never been out to one of Steve Reid's country CD music sales, it's worth the bus fare to experience it just once. As usual, the early birds get the fresh worms so the Saturday morning early start is recommended if you're a serious bargain hunter. Er . . . take your bank card - it can get quite dizzy!! Over to you, Steve . . .

We are pleased to advise our next big sale will begin Saturday 23rd July. As usual with our big sales we will also be open Sunday (24th July). Saturdays tend to be a bit frantic so if you like things a little more leisurely Sunday is the go.
For those not familiar with our sales let me say again you miss them only if you dare. We get everything in for the sales; we don’t just mark things down we can’t sell or do a Sanity Music and get in a bunch of crap label stuff which wouldn’t be a bargain even if we literally gave it away. This is a novel sale...a GENUINE sale!!
What we have is choice quality stuff and there is always something for everybody. Virtually all the Billboard charting cds will be on sale at $18, with just a few select titles at $20. For $18 you will get the new Buddy Jewell cd “Times Like These”, Miranda Lambert’s “Kerosene”, The Wrights’ “Down the Road” (in line for album of the year), Keith Anderson’s “Three Chord Country” and for $20 JoDee Messina’s “Delicious Surprise”, Dwight’s “Blame the Vain”etc. These are just a few random examples.
All the latest Americana and bluegrass releases will we available and not surprisingly most will never ever be released locally. We will have the entire Ronny Elliott range on sale. For those who like something a little different Ronny has no peer and you certainly won’t find him elsewhere. There will be lot of blues and specialist label reissues.
Our popular $10 or 3 for $25 section will have more in it than ever before. There will be some deletions you will not see ever again as well as some of the very latest releases. The range in this section will astound you. We will have cds from a mere $2 and a range of bluegrass cds from $5 including some Rebel and Pinecastle product. We will have cd box sets, dvds and some excellent books.
For the early birds we will have some cd advances and collectables. As many of you know some of these titles never even get released....can there be anything more collectable than something that is never released?? There will be many highly sought cds in very limited quantities. We don’t even know when we will get another copy of some of these... maybe never.
We should also mention there is a great vibe at one of these sales. Everyone seems to get on well and just get into it.
The success of our sales depends on the people who participate and we really need a great turnout to enable them to continue. Please, tell your friends; bring your friends. Everyone will be have a good time. That is assured. There is just nothing even remotely like it, anywhere.
Yesterday & Today Records
255A Church St
Parramatta NSW 2150
phone/fax: (02) 96333585
Web site:
Starts Saturday 23rd July (hours 7am-4pm)
continues Sunday 24th July (hours 9am-2pm)