Thursday, September 08, 2005

Ain't she cute . . .

OK - another attempt to update this thing - and because another lot of Audrey pics arrived it just makes it a bit easier! If you'd like to see more of "our" Aud there's a stack of them at the link. (Photos courtesy Hans Janssen from the Fredheads' Port Putley group).

And the genlemen on the right are are a mob of musos having a get together. A quick look at the bottom pic one could almost think our good friend in Sydney, Dennis Aubrey, had managed to squeeze himself in there. Of course it's Fred Eaglesmith and a couple of members of the Jan Akerman band. Photo courtesy of Rob Kuijsten's website.

And just to round this off with a bit more of the Fredhead spirit, here's some more of Fred and his band (among others) who appeared at a recent gathering of like-minded folk at a picnic in Canada. This is apparently where Fred and members of his band would converge before boarding one of their tour buses. If you click through the photo stream, you can see a couple of the now-retired buses Fred and the band used to travel in - classic stuff! (Photo courtesy Landshark from the Fred Digest).

Dallas Wayne . . .

Ever get the feeling that a voice you're hearing belongs to a pre-conceived image in your brain? Happened to me recently when I first heard Dallas Wayne singing. Thought he's be a youngish whipper-snappin' honky tonkin' kid on the way up. Turns out he's a seasoned veteran of the honky tonk genre (ugh! dislike THAT word!). So here's a picture of Dallas from a recent gig - reviewed at Buffalo Roots. It's not often I get too excited by a new-found voice these days but this guy just does it. As soon as I work out how to get an MP3 clip up on this blog, I promise you'll be knocked over as I was. Meanwhile, listen to some clips from his latest album, I'm Your Biggest Fan, here.

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